'Where does the name Vernette come from?' (Celtic/Latin origins)
Vern: Gaulish/Celtic: - alder tree – springlike, full of life. Alder Tree on Celtic Ogham (ancient Irish alphabet and Celtic tree wisdom) symbolizes strength, safety, protection, determination and confidence.
Ver/Vern/Verna/Vernal : Latin - spring or spring green (Vernal Spring equinox)
Vern: Norse: protection, shield
Related to the colour green in French, vert and Italian, verde.
Click here for FULL CV of qualifications and professional memberships
Anatomy and bio-mechanics geek and lifelong student of yoga and movement. Wannabe dancer. Singer. Music lover and maker. Drum player. History nerd. Genealogy enthusiast (more here). Website designer (more here). Happiest in nature and love ancient nature based traditions and practices (more here)
Yoga has been a part of my life for more than 20 years, although my first experience was Yoga Nidra whilst at school, aged 13. Before teaching, I worked in music production and performance, stage make up, floristry, hairdressing, care work, dabbled in dress making and cleaning.
Yoga and movement is my healthcare and my sanity. It has helped me loose and maintain a 4stone loss in weight, stabilise an underactive thyroid, manage flare ups from a back injury, mental health, bereavement through suicide, as well as helping me to cope with a mild form of fibromyalgia and dysautonomia and it CAN help you too, in many ways to improve your health and well being. It is by no means a cure all, but more of a brilliant set of management tools. I'm passionate in what I do and I'm in a privileged position to be able to pass on my knowledge of these areas, along with introducing amazing guest teachers for workshops and inspiring students to take the step to become teachers themselves.
About Me
I am proud to say in the last 19 years of teaching, that I have trained and studied with some of the best national and international teachers there are today, and it's with the greatest honour and thanks that I mention them below that have led to me having a better understanding of my own body and how to teach, in the hope that you too can understand and help yourself to be the best version of YOU that you can be.
The Vernyoga recipe for health and well-being has the following ingredients in the mix:
Sense of humour - life can be stressy enough, yoga doesn't need to be as well. Keep it light hearted and fun. It's the best way to learn.
Classic Hatha (Barbara Currie)
Dynamic Hatha (Sunpower Yoga) and Kundalini (Carolyn Cowan) for strength, heat, flexibility and stamina
Vinyasa Flow - CSV (Core Strength Vinyasa) and appleyoga (Katy Appleton) methodologies for work on the inner body, deep core muscle lines through functional anatomy and flow
Sahaja flow (Shiva Rea) for spontaneous movement and empowerment
Pilates to balance mobility with stability
Yin and restorative yoga to surrender meditatively into body-mind relaxation and nourishment
Anatomical and biomechanical knowledge for the safest transitions and posture alignment
Nada, Mantra & Bhakti Yoga - yoga of sound, words, devotion and spirituality
Pre & Postnatal yoga and Pilates, baby yoga and massage (appleyoga) - helping mothers with knowledge, nurturing support and techniques.
Yoga for the Stages of Menopause to educate, empower and ease any symptoms or anxiety about this phase of life.
Yoga Therapy to apply certain yoga, breathwork, pilates, CBT techniques to help manage illness/pain specially back pain, CFS/Fibromaylgia and long covid.
Breathwork, Meditation, Mindfulness, Reiki, Celtic Reiki, CBT, EFT and Hypnotherapy for our inner landscape.
Nature and seasonal based themes to connect us back to nature from our busy, often office based, techno-filled lives.
Dance Fitness / Zumba & Circuit Training classes for cardio - for increased calorie and fat burn and for those that like a more energetic workout to music
My heartfelt thanks and respect to those below that I have trained or practiced with at one time or another:
Barbara Currie for being my first yoga teacher
(after Denise Knight, a french teacher that once offered a yoga relaxation class at school along with Ann churchyard, my dance teacher at school).
Anne Marie Newland and Rita Osborne @ Sun Power Yoga for kicking my ass.
To dearest, Katy Appleton and her amazing guest teachers for illuminating my teaching and helping to me feel yoga more deeply
Leah Bracknell (my dear, sweet, late friend). Always in my heart
Shiva Rea and Christopher Tompkins @Samudra Global Yoga Online for an amazing journey into Tantric Shaivism.
Sadie Nardini, Tyler McCoy and Marlene Henny for bringing the wonderful transitions of CSVY into my life, freeing up and strengthening my body, as well as empowering me to teach from a place of authenticity and to 'rock who I am'. (ha!)
Josie McKenlay for being one of only two the Pilates teachers to inspire me and make me like it!
Kim Wright for bringing back my love of dancing in lockdown 2020/1
To Leslie Kaminoff, Jules Mitchell, Tom Myers, Celeste Pereira and Donna Fahri for bringing great anatomy, biomechanics and neuroscience geekiness to life for me.
Niamh Daly (Yinstinct Yoga), Dinah Siman (the other fabulous Pilates teacher!) and dear friend, Claudia Brown for being fountains of menopause yoga knowledge
Carolyn Cowan, Anne Malone, Maya Fiennes, Leila Sadeghee (Yamuna Body Rolling), Howard Napper, Sam Rao, Heather George, Krissy Hawkes, Audrey Brun, Estelle Eugene, Vani Devi, Tiffany Kruikshank, Celeste Periera, Erin Motz, David Lurey, Anat Geiger, Marlene Smits and Danna Faulds for inspirations and divine words and of course, all my wonderful students, who I learn from every time I teach.

Reiki is my second passion and I am a Reiki Master Teacher. I love how it continues to amaze and inspire me and have been truly in awe at some of the results it has had on the people that have come to me over the years.
"Vernette is an exceptional teacher. Warm, friendly and encouraging. I have been having 1-2-1 sessions for four months and attend her classes. You're only ever expected to do what you can do. She offers physical support if you need it like I do with my back and the relaxation is always well deserved and is heavenly. Thank you Vernette" Sara Gratton