Yoga & Pilates Classes in Surrey
Yoga, Pilates and Zumba Fitness Classes in Weybridge, Byfleet, Addlestone, Chertsey, Virginia Water and Egham in Surrey
'What style of yoga is it that you do?'
Core Flow or Hatha Flow - Are Vernette's main styles of yoga. A medium paced hatha flow style class with a blend of active movements, longer holds for strength and balance, Pilates core work, neuro-fitness and nerve flossing / gliding exercises, all with the breath as the vital link throughout. Designed to offer a little challenge and empower you, whilst quietening the mind. Using an intelligently sequenced series of postures and movements for the body and brain that synchronise with the breath, making relaxation at the end blissful. The transitions are less linear, than some styles of yoga, making use of ever evolving alignment and anatomy knowledge, as a primary tool for optimal strength and safety within a moderate flow-based practice, whilst still offering a class that is creative, informative, inclusive and playful with options and encouragement to always modify, adapt and improvise as and when needed. All classes are small allowing for individual attention, friendly, inclusive, with a light hearted, warm, welcoming atmosphere.
A core flow class sometimes tends to have a bit more dynamo in the flow (depending on collective group ability on the day and if its zoomed, which it often is, it may drop a touch in pace/strength due to multitaksing between the groups) as well as sometimes more of a core focus than the hatha flow classes. Both are medium pace. The Core flow is (generally) moderate/strong in its level and Hatha flow is moderate. Any class described as mellow or slow flow on the timetable are gentle/moderate.
A reasonable level of fitness or mobility is required for the hatha/core flow classes (i.e. to be able to get up and down off the floor fairly easily), as some are active as opposed to just slow stretching. Although if you want to slow down or do more of a floor based practice, then we have the mellow, yin, chair and fusion classes on the timetable as well.
In all classes there are choices and options given, based on how you feel on the day, so can feel empowered in your practice to be able to back off when needed and do more when you can.
Vernette brings together all styles of Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Pilates, Biomechanics, Neurodynamics, fitness, Zumba and bodywork that she has trained in for the past 20 years and that has also brought her enjoyment personally as well as psychology trainings for a full round understanding of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually.
Vernette is a menopause informed yoga and pilates instructor, so this life phase is very much supported within the practice as well as as catering for anyone with post viral fatigue and pain management and 1-2-1 sessions are also available and tailored to you.
Along side yoga, which is Vernette's main passion, there is also has Pilates, Barre, Fitness and Zumba Classes on offer. Basically if you like to move, then there is hopefully something to your taste on here!
All classes including the Tuesday circuit class and Zumba are for people in good health, (even if you consider yourself unfit!), so if you have injuries or any health issues that you think the instructor may need to know prior to session, please contact Vernette and if concerned, please consult you GP before undertaking any exercise programme as these may not be suitable.
TO BOOK: To start the booking process - A fitness form (here) is required first, so that Vernette can advise on which class would be most appropriate and then will book you in.
Please see the timetable for full class times as well as a little detail on each and the prices page for prices of classes, private sessions and therapies.
'Wow, felt so energised after Yin and Kirtan on Wednesday!' K Shaw 1.5.15
4.9.14 Anna Harrison – 'Brilliant yoga sessions with Vernette. I would highly recommend her mix of styles & teaching methods'.