Complaints Policy
Vernyoga (vernette Butler) is committed to providing the highest levels of care to her students and clients. If you are in anyway dissatisfied with the service please let her know as soon as possible.
Please feel free to talk openly with Vernette Butler about any issues relating to the classes, retreats, private and therapy sessions that has not met with your satisfaction. This will also help her to continually improve and provide an even better service to future students and clients.
Vernette Butler will take all complaints seriously and will address your concerns promptly, fairly and politely. She will aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible, in a reasonable, amicable manner and will work as quickly as possible to come to a satisfactory conclusion.
Any correspondence will be treated in strictest confidence unless risk to others is a factor, and only on a need to know basis. Any information shared due to that will be made clear of what will be shared and who with.
What to do if you have a complaint:
Method of contacting Vernette Butler
-In person after class at an appropriate quiet moment.
-By email: Vernette Butler
- By phone number provided at the bottom of email replies
If the complaint is a matter of class pass pricing and terms - please see the TERMS AND CONDITIONS and PRICES page, to ensure you didn't miss any pricing terms (that would've also been explained on purchase of any class passes).
Steps to complain:
Step 1: Verbal
An informal, minor complaint, that you feel can be easily resolve by a verbal discussion Vernette Butler. Both parties will agree verbally the complaint is closed.
Step 2: Written
For more serious complaints, or ones that have not been resolved at step 1 all parties will give detailed written accounts of the complaint. All verbal discussion relating to the complaint and steps that have been taken so far to resolve the complaint will be written down. These written accounts should be evidence based. Vernette Butler will carry out any necessary investigations and produce written evidence of this. All parties will agree to a formal action plan that provide appropriate redress, offer any necessary compensation and give opportunity for review if standards on either side have not been met. The agreed action plan will satisfy the complaint and when the action is carried out the complaint is closed.
Step 3: Extreme circumstances
If a complaint is not satisfied by the result of the investigations and the actions taken by Vernette Butler in step 2, complainants have the right to appeal through Yoga Alliance, Yoga Aliiance Professionals, CNHC. Contact Yoga Alliance, Yoga Alliance Professionals, CNHC after reading through the code of conduct and ethics HERE to ensure that the complaint has fallen outside the ethics and code of conduct by which Vernette Butler works in accordance with.