A lot of new age mystisicsm and therapies have added to the chakra philosophy over the years, so there are many different viewpoints on this subject. This is collection of different findings over the years as my own opinions and research has gone back and forth on the subject.
Here is a basic overview of the chakras and the use of crystals and yoga to balance them.
These are said to be naturally occurring energy centres in the body, that produce life force (Prana, Chi or Ki) and that are stimulated by yoga moves, healing or Reiki.
We can think more of the chakras and the ancient Indian Philosophy that goes with them as a map, a bit like modern anatomy but seen through the lens of ancient yogis to map out characteristics, thoughts, emotions and experiences, rather than actually physical cwntres of areas of the body.
Anatomy means to cut into, so as we cut into the body with a knife to see all of the parts and pieces that make us up, in the yoga sense of the chakras and nadis, the yogis would look into the body with their consciousness, their mind as the tool of choice and this how they mapped what they felt.
We can also look to another modern viewpoint in them via neuroscience, which has proved that we use different areas of the brain when doing different things, this is known as localisation and if the spinal cord is an extension of the brain, then maybe also the spinal cord activates with certain activities or has certain qualities at certain points.
You don't have to believe in them to do yoga or have Reiki, but they are part of Yogic, and Ayurveda teachings as well as many other Eastern alternative medicines.Acupuncture and massage and many other therapies work on releasing Prana (or Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ki in Japanese therapies such as Reiki), so that it can be carried through the body unhindered by 'blocks'.
Some believe this energy to be the electric current in our body, others, the aura that surrounds the body, or a universal energy that is in everything that lives.
Each Chakra or energy point corresponds with many things from the Endocrine system of the body to the characteristics of the person, health issues, and emotions to the more unconventional elements.
As these are an integral part of some yoga classes, I felt it would help to learn a little about them.Chakras are powerful energy centres within the Energetic layer of the human body.
They are spinning vortexes that channel energy or ‘life force’, (known as Chi in China, Qi in Japan and Prana in India), around the body through a network of channels (Nadis). All the Chakras vibrate at a different frequencies and spin in a clockwise direction.
A crystal pendulum in Reiki or Crystal Therapy can be used to determine whether the chakras are blocked or open and whether they are resonating at the right frequency. When this is not the case, the physical body is out of balance which may manifest as as illness. Regular yoga practise helps to balance the chakras, which in turn creates a positive effect on our health and well being.
Each Chakra represents a different emotion, characteristic, organ, colour, sense, elements and crystals can enhance the chakras healing by matching the colour of the crystal with the corresponding colour of the Chakra that’s needs help.
There are seven main chakras which are:
* The Root Chakra (Muladhara): located at the base of the spine; it is associated with the legs, bowel movements, security, survival and trust.In terms of asanas, Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose), Dandasana (the staff) and Moola Bandha (the root lock) can be used to balance this chakra.
* The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) is located between the pelvis and the naval it is associated with our sex organs, desire, willingness to feel our emotions and our food intake. Yoga postures that engage the lower abdominals stimulate this chakra.
* The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is located between the naval and the base of the sternum. It is associated with the stomach, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, liver, perception and self confidence. Santolanasana (the plank), Pashchimotanasana (seated forward bend); and Dhanurasana (the bow) can be used to help balance this chakra.
* The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is located in the centre of the chest. It is associated with the heart, lungs, matters of the heart and relationships. Ardha matsyendrasana (half twist), Purvothanasana (the inclined plane), Matsyanasana (the fish) can be used to balance this chakra.
* The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is located in the throat it is associated with the throat, shoulders, arms, hands, thyroid, expression and creativity. Halasana (the plough), sarvangasana (shoulder stand) can be used to help balance this posture.
* The Brow Chakra (Ajna) or the 'Third Eye' is located just above the centre of the eyebrows. It is associated with the head, endocrine system, extra sensory perception (ESP) and the astral world. The direction of focus towards Ajna will help to balance and stimulate this chakra.
* The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is located on and above the top of the head. It is associated with the pineal gland, brain, nervous system and pure consciousness. Sirsasana (the headstand) will help to balance and stimulate this chakra.
Practising yoga postures that stimulate individual Chakras, while focusing on the Chakra spinning in a clockwise direction, will help balance and move the body's energy.
I have included a couple of charts found easily on the internet to give as a rough starting guide.
